Yesterday afternoon my local public radio station, KALW,
aired a discussion about the possible adoption of “Laura’s Law” in Alameda
County, just across the bay. The law
“allows for court-ordered assisted outpatient treatment or
forced anti-psychotics in most cases. To qualify for the program, the person
must have a serious mental illness plus a recent history of psychiatric
hospitalizations, jailings or acts, threats or attempts of serious violent
behavior towards [self] or others.”
[From the Wikipedia summary of the law, which can be found at the following link:'s_Law#Supporters.]
One of the interviewees was a minister from
northern California who told of his son’s mental illness and increasingly
violent behavior. Under current law, the
young man’s psychiatrists refuse to inform the parents of any details of their
son’s treatment. To do so would be to
break the confidentiality considered fundamental to the doctor/patient
relationship. But the son in this case
lives with his parents, is supported by them, and has physically attacked them
in the past. So the question arises as
to what position the State should take vis
a vis families such as this.
The recent murderous rampage by a young man who killed six
others in Isla Vista before killing himself as well has fueled the passions on
both sides of the debate. I do not
intend to take either side here, but I would like to consider the question in
light of an historical trend toward greater and greater interference by the
State in familial relationships previously deemed to be “private” matters and
therefore no business of the State at all.
I remember an old saying that “A man’s home is his castle.” The implication was that within his home,
each man was the law-giver, the ruler, a sovereign whose authority was
complete. Not that long ago, a man’s
wife and children were his chattel, and he could do as he pleased with them,
including such abuses as beatings and imprisonment. While men who thus abused their power were
scorned by society, the law did not charge them as criminals. The protection of women and children lay in
the power of the community’s moral standards, not in the power of legislatures
and courts of law. Families had to work
out their own relations of power, the extent and limitations of each member’s
rights and responsibilities, and the realm in which this took place was
emphatically not public.
In the course of the last century, the State has gradually
insinuated itself into the midst of these family relations. The functions of the community’s moral
standards have been usurped by the law, with the result that there seem, to me
at least, to be no widely held moral standards at all anymore. And we have lost any sense of the difference
between what is public and what is private.
People gladly “air their dirty linen” before millions of viewers on
television; celebrities are stalked and photographed and gossiped about by the
press; and one hears the most appallingly intimate details of other people’s
lives as they themselves talk loudly into their mobile phones about anything
and everything. Meanwhile, the
government, along with every internet and telecommunications company on the
planet, gathers information about everything you do. They read your emails, record your telephone
conversations, and have their cameras mounted in virtually every public space. “These days,” Mick Jagger sang a couple of
decades ago, “it’s all secrecy and no privacy.”
When I was a kid, any adult who saw me try to pocket a candy
bar at the grocery store would have grabbed me by the caller and marched me to
the shop owner, who would telephone my parents.
I would be in big trouble, terrifyingly big trouble. Now if an adult reprimands a child, the
mother or father is outraged: how dare
you discipline my child! I am his/her
parent and that is my business not yours!
So too, teachers can no longer physically discipline children, and a savvy
child has every opportunity to use the law to go after a parent who might dare
to spank the little brat on his/her bottom.
“Spare the rod and spoil the child” is now called child abuse. And the police stand ready to throw either
husband or wife into jail whenever one or the other thinks to call 911 and say
that he/she fears the other.
I am not trying to argue for a return to any previous social
order. The old way may have been nice
for the Man-King who ruled the household, but it wasn’t so nice for his wife,
his children, or his slaves. And
the man who, like me, chose not to marry had no good place in that order
either. As I have said elsewhere, we
live in a period of flux in our social relations, the old hierarchies gone and
the new not yet established. Such flux
is very difficult to bear. For me,
remembering the feeling of security one has in a world of clearly defined and
communally enforced social standards, I find the current chaos particularly
disheartening. And for me, remembering
the self-loathing and terror I felt at my own unnamed suspicion that I might be
gay, I also feel this state of flux as a joyous liberation.
What worries me is the extension of judicial authority and
police power into the realms of personal relationships. It seems to me that the State has extended
its power in alarming, totalitarian ways all in the name of the Sanctity of the
Individual. In the name of protecting
husbands or wives from their spouses, children from their parents (and from
their teachers), consumers from businesses, home buyers from predatory lenders,
pets from their owners, and so on, the State has designated itself and its
courts as the arbiters of the “right” way for people to live and to
interact. Increasingly everyone who
suffers misfortune (which of course means everyone) is seen as a victim – not a
victim of bad luck or bad choices, but a victim of someone or something that should
pay for it. Men no longer settle their
differences privately, with arguments, fists (governed by Marquis of Queensbury
rules), or pistols: they sue for damages
Look at the language:
we have Megan’s law and Laura’s law and Amber alerts, all judicial
powers named for victims which further the development of a police state. Instead of searching our own souls or hearts
or psyches or consciences trying to regain a common morality, we abdicate
responsibility for correcting our own and each other’s behavior and pass that
responsibility to the State and its police.
And I fear that in doing so we lose the ability and the right to
determine what that new, as yet unestablished, social order will look like. We allow those who hold the brute reigns of
power in this society to shape a new order to their own liking, without regard
for the common folk like you and me.
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